The MyRIAM personal dosimeter measures the inhalation dose from long-lived Alpha and Beta nuclides (LLRD) present in the air. An internal pump gathers aerosols onto a membrane filter, and the collected activity is analyzed using a semiconductor detector through Alpha spectroscopy and Beta gross counting.
A unique filter analysis mode allows for precise dose determination without additional equipment. The small filter paper (17.5 mm diameter) can be archived to preserve evidence.
This lightweight (300 g) device can be worn on the body without restricting movement. The sampling head, battery, and electronics are housed in a rugged metal enclosure, similar in size to a mobile phone, requiring no extra cables or hoses. It can store data up to 240 data records. It has a internal battery which can withstand power for 24 hrs and the recharge time would be approximately 1 hr.

SARAD was founded in 1993. The company started as service provider assessing radioactive polluted properties with regard to their later decontamination. After a short time, the company started to develop electronic measuring instruments. In 1994, SARAD launched their first radon monitor. Since 1997, the development and manufacturing of premium measuring equipment have become the pillars the company is built on. Due to its positive business performance, the company was able to move into its own corporate building in 2000. Step by step the range of products has been extended over the following years.