How do Thermo Luminescent Devices (TLDs) work?
TLDs are tiny pieces of crystal that accumulate the energy of incident radiation.
The total incident radiation can be read out using a photomultiplier tube (PMT) as the crystal is heated to release the energy.
The sparkles of scintillation in the crystal are counted by the PMT and become the measure of incident radiation. The process of heating releases the stored energy and also erases the crystal ready for the next measurement cycle.
TLDs are very small, and that makes them excellent for spot measurement.
They're highly reliable because they require no batteries or electronics to record a dose. They are always actively recording dose and require no special action to ensure they are recording dose.
TLD failure is rare other than by gross mechanical damage.
However, one of the draw backs with TLD is that they cannot give you an immediate reading. This is where Electronic Personal Dosimeters (EPDs) give you an advantage.

If you are looking for a personal radiation dose monitoring system, please contact ADM Nuclear Technologies to discuss which option is right for you.
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