Sarad Radon Monitors: Managing Risks from Exposure to Radon in the Workplace
At the Radon Symposium conducted by the ARPS 2024 Conference, ADM learnt that Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) in Australia are to take mitigation actions in the workplace, if naturally occurring radon concentration levels fall between 200 Bq/m3 and 1000 Bq/m3, or higher.
The ARPANSA Advisory Note highlighted that using personal radon monitors – such as the Sarad DOSEman PRO, EQF 3220, Radon Scout and poCAMon, will provide exposure information to determine appropriate protection for on-site workers.
Vulnerable Workplaces
Whilst exposure to radon is a normal part of everyday life, it presents a hazard when it is concentrated above typical levels.
Underground mining operations, enclosed and/or old buildings, natural spring spas, and tourist-visited caves, are some of the workplaces that produce higher than normal levels of radon.
ARPANSA has developed the Australian Radon Action Plan that may provide a step-by-step guide if your workplace suits the above category.
Some actions you can take include measuring the concentration of radon to determine safe reference levels, and increasing airflow or improving ventilation in the workplace.
Sarad Personal Radon Monitors and Radon/Thoron Measurement (RTM) Systems
Sarad is ISO 9001:2015 certified, and is developing and manufacturing instrumentation for radon, radioactive aerosols, and radioactive contamination in Germany since 1993.
Their radon monitoring products are recognised world-wide for reliability, from fixed (domestic and commercial) monitors, through the DOSEman personal monitoring, and the RTM systems for complex monitoring solutions.

DOSEman PRO is a specialised wearable dosimeter designed to measure radon daughter products, called radon progeny, which emit alpha particles that can damage the lung tissue.
The DOSEman PRO device can measure the following:
Alpha decay detection
Potential Alpha Energy Concentration (PAEC) - measure of the total alpha energy released by radon progeny in a given volume of air, which is crucial for assessing the health risk from inhaling radon progeny.
Air sampling and filtration
The EQF 3220 measures the concentration of both radon and thoron gas, and their decay products, in relation to the volume of particles or liquid droplets in air (aerosol).
EQF 3220 records a complete alpha spectrum for each measured value, and store them in a 2GB memory card – accessible via PC or laptop through a USB interface.
The Radon Scout and Radon Scout PLUS are electronic radon monitors designed to measure radon gas concentrations indoors. These monitors utilise alpha spectrometry for radon detection. The data collected from these monitors can be transmitted wirelessly to compatible devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers, for remote monitoring and access.
PoCAMon or Personal Continuous Air Monitor, is a device for continuous monitoring of breathing air for airborne long-lived radioactive aerosols (LLRD) and short-lived radon decay products.
This device is commonly used for evaluation and reduction of inhalation risks for workers, and can alert workers in the event of elevated airborne activity levels.
PoCAMon is suitable for the mining industry, and environmental monitoring.
If you want to check other Sarad monitors, browse our product range here. Contact our team if you need a specific solution or need more information and technical advice.